Ten gaps that I experience day - to - day

1. An object that allows you to use/view your computer while lying down in bed. This is the gap that I will be addressing.
2. A system that ensures your cat has clean paws after he/she has used the litter.
3. A storage solution for a half done lego project with multiple odd shaped components.
4. A storage solution for sorting a large volume of lego bricks by shape, colour or size.
5. A solution for raising my remote control car off the table when I work on it.
6. A solution that lets you seperate your whites, colours and delicates that need to be washed.
7. A storage system to carry different sized remote control cars/vehicles.
8. A storage system to separate clothing of different sizes and shapes in your drawers.
9. An object that allows you to hang kitchen towels underneath a shelf.
10. A system for displaying how many times your cat has used the litter when you've gone out so you aren't digging around when there's nothing there.

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    Hi, my name is Terence. I'm a New York local who is a student of the Coursera Design: Creation of Artifacts in Society course.


    May 2013
    April 2013

